
Showing posts from November 20, 2018

Any way to extend the find functionality via extensions

up vote 0 down vote favorite I am looking for a way to filter keys for JSON in place, something like the JSONPath filter in Insomnia Rest Client. I have found two extensions jsonpath-extract and vscode-json-path, but both extract the contents to another editor. Is there any way this can be done in VS Code, with extensions? While I will prefer filtering and showing only matching keys, even something like the current find box is good. Thanks in advance! visual-studio-code vscode-extensions share | improve this question asked Nov 8 at 16:51 Suraj Yadav 15 5

Hastings (Neuseeland)

Hastings Geographische Lage Koordinaten 39° 38′  S , 176° 51′  O -39.640555555556 176.84388888889 10 Koordinaten: 39° 38′  S , 176° 51′  O Region-ISO NZ-HKB Land Neuseeland Region Hawke’s Bay Distrikt Hastings District Ward Hastings Ward Verwaltungssitz Sitz der Verwaltung für den Hastings District Einwohner 29   454 (2013) Höhe 10 m Postleitzahl 4120, 4122 Telefonvorwahl +64 (0)6 UN/LOCODE NZ HAS Fotografie des Ortes Das Stadtzentrum von Hastings Warren Hastings Hastings ist eine Stadt im Hastings District der Region Hawke’s Bay auf der Nordinsel von Neuseeland. Sie ist Sitz des Hastings District Councils . Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Namensherkunft 2 Geographie 2.1 Klima 3 Geschichte 4 Bevölkerung 5 Wirtschaft 6 Infrastruktur 6.1 Straßenverkehr 6.2 Schienenverkehr 7 Tourismus 8 Söhne und Töchter 9 Siehe auch 10 Weblinks 11 Einzelnac

How to set multi line header in react native?

up vote 1 down vote favorite I try to add a multi line title to my header like this: Title Subtitle I tried the code below. It doesn't work, I got an error "title must be string or null" static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => { return { title: <View> <Text>{navigation.getParam('client') }</Text> <Text>{navigation.getParam('ref') }</Text> </View>, I followed this issue on github react-native share | improve this question asked Nov 8 at 16:51 benda