Dataframe query fails after upgrading to spark 2.3.1
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down vote
I have the following snippet of scala which mirrors what I used to do in spark 2.1.1:
val headers = Seq(StructField("A", StringType), StructField("B", StringType), StructField("C", StringType))
val data = Seq(Seq("A1", "B1", "C1"), Seq("A2", "B2", "C2"), Seq("A3", "B3", "C3"))
val rdd = sc.parallelize(data).map(Row.fromSeq)
sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, StructType(headers)).registerTempTable("TEMP_DATA")
val table = sqlContext.table("TEMP_DATA")
.filter(table("B") === "B1")
In 2.3.1 this throws the following error:
Resolved attribute(s) B#1604 missing from A#1603 in operator !Filter (B#1604
= B1).;;
!Filter (B#1604 = B1)
+- AnalysisBarrier
+- Project [A#1603]
+- SubqueryAlias temp_data
+- LogicalRDD [A#1603, B#1604, C#1605], false
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Resolved attribute(s) B#1604 missing from A#1603 in operator !Filter (B#1604 = B1).;;
!Filter (B#1604 = B1)
+- AnalysisBarrier
+- Project [A#1603]
+- SubqueryAlias temp_data
+- LogicalRDD [A#1603, B#1604, C#1605], false
I can fix this if I swap the select
and filter
around. My question is, why has this changed? I need to explain why it's happened, and ideally link them to documentation supporting it.
My understanding is that the select returns a dataframe that functionally only has the column A
in it, so you can't filter on B
. I've tried to recreate this issue in pyspark, but it seems to work just fine there.
Here is the stack trace:
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$class.failAnalysis(CheckAnalysis.scala:41)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.failAnalysis(Analyzer.scala:92)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$1.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:289)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$1.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:80)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNode.foreachUp(TreeNode.scala:127)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$class.checkAnalysis(CheckAnalysis.scala:80)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.checkAnalysis(Analyzer.scala:92)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.executeAndCheck(Analyzer.scala:105)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.analyzed$lzycompute(QueryExecution.scala:57)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.analyzed(QueryExecution.scala:55)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.assertAnalyzed(QueryExecution.scala:47)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.<init>(Dataset.scala:172)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.<init>(Dataset.scala:178)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset$.apply(Dataset.scala:65)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.withTypedPlan(Dataset.scala:3301)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.filter(Dataset.scala:1458)
scala apache-spark pyspark
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up vote
down vote
I have the following snippet of scala which mirrors what I used to do in spark 2.1.1:
val headers = Seq(StructField("A", StringType), StructField("B", StringType), StructField("C", StringType))
val data = Seq(Seq("A1", "B1", "C1"), Seq("A2", "B2", "C2"), Seq("A3", "B3", "C3"))
val rdd = sc.parallelize(data).map(Row.fromSeq)
sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, StructType(headers)).registerTempTable("TEMP_DATA")
val table = sqlContext.table("TEMP_DATA")
.filter(table("B") === "B1")
In 2.3.1 this throws the following error:
Resolved attribute(s) B#1604 missing from A#1603 in operator !Filter (B#1604
= B1).;;
!Filter (B#1604 = B1)
+- AnalysisBarrier
+- Project [A#1603]
+- SubqueryAlias temp_data
+- LogicalRDD [A#1603, B#1604, C#1605], false
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Resolved attribute(s) B#1604 missing from A#1603 in operator !Filter (B#1604 = B1).;;
!Filter (B#1604 = B1)
+- AnalysisBarrier
+- Project [A#1603]
+- SubqueryAlias temp_data
+- LogicalRDD [A#1603, B#1604, C#1605], false
I can fix this if I swap the select
and filter
around. My question is, why has this changed? I need to explain why it's happened, and ideally link them to documentation supporting it.
My understanding is that the select returns a dataframe that functionally only has the column A
in it, so you can't filter on B
. I've tried to recreate this issue in pyspark, but it seems to work just fine there.
Here is the stack trace:
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$class.failAnalysis(CheckAnalysis.scala:41)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.failAnalysis(Analyzer.scala:92)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$1.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:289)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$1.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:80)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNode.foreachUp(TreeNode.scala:127)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$class.checkAnalysis(CheckAnalysis.scala:80)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.checkAnalysis(Analyzer.scala:92)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.executeAndCheck(Analyzer.scala:105)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.analyzed$lzycompute(QueryExecution.scala:57)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.analyzed(QueryExecution.scala:55)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.assertAnalyzed(QueryExecution.scala:47)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.<init>(Dataset.scala:172)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.<init>(Dataset.scala:178)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset$.apply(Dataset.scala:65)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.withTypedPlan(Dataset.scala:3301)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.filter(Dataset.scala:1458)
scala apache-spark pyspark
Let me do some research and I'll get back to you on this particular query. If its a regression, I'll file a spark jira
– Joe Widen
Nov 9 at 14:56
Ooh that's worrying. I will take a look further then. My codebase has a lot of it's own catalyst rules, though I'm not expecting any to have been triggered by the above code.
– Andy
Nov 9 at 15:04
when i read that part of code that is generating this error, I'd say that it's an expected behavior but what i don't understand is that why was it working in the first place...
– eliasah
Nov 9 at 15:11
probably subject for a JIRA.
– eliasah
Nov 9 at 15:15
Its working for me on spark 2.3.1 with scala and no additional catalyst rules. The filter should get pushed before the select. Whats the explain plan in 2.1.1 and in 2.3.1? Replace show() with .explain and let us know. Heres mine, comment won't let me format it correctly. == Physical Plan == *(1) Project [A#48] +- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(B#49) && (B#49 = B1)) +- *(1) Scan ExistingRDD[A#48,B#49,C#50]
– Joe Widen
Nov 9 at 15:48
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up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
I have the following snippet of scala which mirrors what I used to do in spark 2.1.1:
val headers = Seq(StructField("A", StringType), StructField("B", StringType), StructField("C", StringType))
val data = Seq(Seq("A1", "B1", "C1"), Seq("A2", "B2", "C2"), Seq("A3", "B3", "C3"))
val rdd = sc.parallelize(data).map(Row.fromSeq)
sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, StructType(headers)).registerTempTable("TEMP_DATA")
val table = sqlContext.table("TEMP_DATA")
.filter(table("B") === "B1")
In 2.3.1 this throws the following error:
Resolved attribute(s) B#1604 missing from A#1603 in operator !Filter (B#1604
= B1).;;
!Filter (B#1604 = B1)
+- AnalysisBarrier
+- Project [A#1603]
+- SubqueryAlias temp_data
+- LogicalRDD [A#1603, B#1604, C#1605], false
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Resolved attribute(s) B#1604 missing from A#1603 in operator !Filter (B#1604 = B1).;;
!Filter (B#1604 = B1)
+- AnalysisBarrier
+- Project [A#1603]
+- SubqueryAlias temp_data
+- LogicalRDD [A#1603, B#1604, C#1605], false
I can fix this if I swap the select
and filter
around. My question is, why has this changed? I need to explain why it's happened, and ideally link them to documentation supporting it.
My understanding is that the select returns a dataframe that functionally only has the column A
in it, so you can't filter on B
. I've tried to recreate this issue in pyspark, but it seems to work just fine there.
Here is the stack trace:
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$class.failAnalysis(CheckAnalysis.scala:41)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.failAnalysis(Analyzer.scala:92)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$1.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:289)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$1.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:80)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNode.foreachUp(TreeNode.scala:127)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$class.checkAnalysis(CheckAnalysis.scala:80)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.checkAnalysis(Analyzer.scala:92)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.executeAndCheck(Analyzer.scala:105)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.analyzed$lzycompute(QueryExecution.scala:57)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.analyzed(QueryExecution.scala:55)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.assertAnalyzed(QueryExecution.scala:47)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.<init>(Dataset.scala:172)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.<init>(Dataset.scala:178)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset$.apply(Dataset.scala:65)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.withTypedPlan(Dataset.scala:3301)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.filter(Dataset.scala:1458)
scala apache-spark pyspark
I have the following snippet of scala which mirrors what I used to do in spark 2.1.1:
val headers = Seq(StructField("A", StringType), StructField("B", StringType), StructField("C", StringType))
val data = Seq(Seq("A1", "B1", "C1"), Seq("A2", "B2", "C2"), Seq("A3", "B3", "C3"))
val rdd = sc.parallelize(data).map(Row.fromSeq)
sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, StructType(headers)).registerTempTable("TEMP_DATA")
val table = sqlContext.table("TEMP_DATA")
.filter(table("B") === "B1")
In 2.3.1 this throws the following error:
Resolved attribute(s) B#1604 missing from A#1603 in operator !Filter (B#1604
= B1).;;
!Filter (B#1604 = B1)
+- AnalysisBarrier
+- Project [A#1603]
+- SubqueryAlias temp_data
+- LogicalRDD [A#1603, B#1604, C#1605], false
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Resolved attribute(s) B#1604 missing from A#1603 in operator !Filter (B#1604 = B1).;;
!Filter (B#1604 = B1)
+- AnalysisBarrier
+- Project [A#1603]
+- SubqueryAlias temp_data
+- LogicalRDD [A#1603, B#1604, C#1605], false
I can fix this if I swap the select
and filter
around. My question is, why has this changed? I need to explain why it's happened, and ideally link them to documentation supporting it.
My understanding is that the select returns a dataframe that functionally only has the column A
in it, so you can't filter on B
. I've tried to recreate this issue in pyspark, but it seems to work just fine there.
Here is the stack trace:
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$class.failAnalysis(CheckAnalysis.scala:41)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.failAnalysis(Analyzer.scala:92)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$1.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:289)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$$anonfun$checkAnalysis$1.apply(CheckAnalysis.scala:80)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNode.foreachUp(TreeNode.scala:127)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis$class.checkAnalysis(CheckAnalysis.scala:80)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.checkAnalysis(Analyzer.scala:92)
at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.executeAndCheck(Analyzer.scala:105)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.analyzed$lzycompute(QueryExecution.scala:57)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.analyzed(QueryExecution.scala:55)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution.assertAnalyzed(QueryExecution.scala:47)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.<init>(Dataset.scala:172)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.<init>(Dataset.scala:178)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset$.apply(Dataset.scala:65)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.withTypedPlan(Dataset.scala:3301)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.filter(Dataset.scala:1458)
scala apache-spark pyspark
scala apache-spark pyspark
edited Nov 9 at 16:13
asked Nov 9 at 14:42
Let me do some research and I'll get back to you on this particular query. If its a regression, I'll file a spark jira
– Joe Widen
Nov 9 at 14:56
Ooh that's worrying. I will take a look further then. My codebase has a lot of it's own catalyst rules, though I'm not expecting any to have been triggered by the above code.
– Andy
Nov 9 at 15:04
when i read that part of code that is generating this error, I'd say that it's an expected behavior but what i don't understand is that why was it working in the first place...
– eliasah
Nov 9 at 15:11
probably subject for a JIRA.
– eliasah
Nov 9 at 15:15
Its working for me on spark 2.3.1 with scala and no additional catalyst rules. The filter should get pushed before the select. Whats the explain plan in 2.1.1 and in 2.3.1? Replace show() with .explain and let us know. Heres mine, comment won't let me format it correctly. == Physical Plan == *(1) Project [A#48] +- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(B#49) && (B#49 = B1)) +- *(1) Scan ExistingRDD[A#48,B#49,C#50]
– Joe Widen
Nov 9 at 15:48
show 1 more comment
Let me do some research and I'll get back to you on this particular query. If its a regression, I'll file a spark jira
– Joe Widen
Nov 9 at 14:56
Ooh that's worrying. I will take a look further then. My codebase has a lot of it's own catalyst rules, though I'm not expecting any to have been triggered by the above code.
– Andy
Nov 9 at 15:04
when i read that part of code that is generating this error, I'd say that it's an expected behavior but what i don't understand is that why was it working in the first place...
– eliasah
Nov 9 at 15:11
probably subject for a JIRA.
– eliasah
Nov 9 at 15:15
Its working for me on spark 2.3.1 with scala and no additional catalyst rules. The filter should get pushed before the select. Whats the explain plan in 2.1.1 and in 2.3.1? Replace show() with .explain and let us know. Heres mine, comment won't let me format it correctly. == Physical Plan == *(1) Project [A#48] +- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(B#49) && (B#49 = B1)) +- *(1) Scan ExistingRDD[A#48,B#49,C#50]
– Joe Widen
Nov 9 at 15:48
Let me do some research and I'll get back to you on this particular query. If its a regression, I'll file a spark jira
– Joe Widen
Nov 9 at 14:56
Let me do some research and I'll get back to you on this particular query. If its a regression, I'll file a spark jira
– Joe Widen
Nov 9 at 14:56
Ooh that's worrying. I will take a look further then. My codebase has a lot of it's own catalyst rules, though I'm not expecting any to have been triggered by the above code.
– Andy
Nov 9 at 15:04
Ooh that's worrying. I will take a look further then. My codebase has a lot of it's own catalyst rules, though I'm not expecting any to have been triggered by the above code.
– Andy
Nov 9 at 15:04
when i read that part of code that is generating this error, I'd say that it's an expected behavior but what i don't understand is that why was it working in the first place...
– eliasah
Nov 9 at 15:11
when i read that part of code that is generating this error, I'd say that it's an expected behavior but what i don't understand is that why was it working in the first place...
– eliasah
Nov 9 at 15:11
probably subject for a JIRA.
– eliasah
Nov 9 at 15:15
probably subject for a JIRA.
– eliasah
Nov 9 at 15:15
Its working for me on spark 2.3.1 with scala and no additional catalyst rules. The filter should get pushed before the select. Whats the explain plan in 2.1.1 and in 2.3.1? Replace show() with .explain and let us know. Heres mine, comment won't let me format it correctly. == Physical Plan == *(1) Project [A#48] +- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(B#49) && (B#49 = B1)) +- *(1) Scan ExistingRDD[A#48,B#49,C#50]
– Joe Widen
Nov 9 at 15:48
Its working for me on spark 2.3.1 with scala and no additional catalyst rules. The filter should get pushed before the select. Whats the explain plan in 2.1.1 and in 2.3.1? Replace show() with .explain and let us know. Heres mine, comment won't let me format it correctly. == Physical Plan == *(1) Project [A#48] +- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(B#49) && (B#49 = B1)) +- *(1) Scan ExistingRDD[A#48,B#49,C#50]
– Joe Widen
Nov 9 at 15:48
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Let me do some research and I'll get back to you on this particular query. If its a regression, I'll file a spark jira
– Joe Widen
Nov 9 at 14:56
Ooh that's worrying. I will take a look further then. My codebase has a lot of it's own catalyst rules, though I'm not expecting any to have been triggered by the above code.
– Andy
Nov 9 at 15:04
when i read that part of code that is generating this error, I'd say that it's an expected behavior but what i don't understand is that why was it working in the first place...
– eliasah
Nov 9 at 15:11
probably subject for a JIRA.
– eliasah
Nov 9 at 15:15
Its working for me on spark 2.3.1 with scala and no additional catalyst rules. The filter should get pushed before the select. Whats the explain plan in 2.1.1 and in 2.3.1? Replace show() with .explain and let us know. Heres mine, comment won't let me format it correctly. == Physical Plan == *(1) Project [A#48] +- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(B#49) && (B#49 = B1)) +- *(1) Scan ExistingRDD[A#48,B#49,C#50]
– Joe Widen
Nov 9 at 15:48