Query performance debuging
up vote
down vote
I have recently installed a new module(paypal express) in Oxid 6.0.x backend.
After installation, the backend menu point "orders", in my backend, is timing out. Cause the query needs too long. I am not able to view orders (which is a CMS vendor resource).
I already tried to debug it with our managed hoster support who doubled our ram to increased mysql buffer size as well as php timouts etc. within the php.ini.
After the hoster php.ini change I still see the query with status "Copying to tmp table" even so the hoster has increased the query buffers etc.
I am really not sure what the problem is. Does someone have an Idea what else I might try?
I cannot imagine that this one small join needs so much buffer space and time to excecute. Especially since the join to payppaypalpluspayment is the same as to oxv_oxpayments_de which is instant and on the same primary key.
This is the query I see running in processlist
Showing rows 0 - 0 (1 total, Query took 200.9683 seconds.) Has already decreased from about 10 min after the php.ini change
select count(*) from `oxorder`
LEFT JOIN `oxv_oxpayments_de` AS `payments` on `payments`.oxid=oxorder.oxpaymenttype
LEFT JOIN `oxv_oxpayments_de` AS pluspayments ON pluspayments.oxid = oxorder.oxpaymenttype
LEFT JOIN payppaypalpluspayment ON payppaypalpluspayment.OXORDERID = oxorder.OXID
LEFT JOIN payppaypalpluspui ON payppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID = payppaypalpluspayment.OXPAYMENTID
where 1 and ( oxorder.oxfolder = 'ORDERFOLDER_NEW' )
count(*) Result 150000
The problem may be this join, the others are instant results
rows 0 - 0 (1 total, Query took 153.2391 seconds.)
Select count(*) from `oxorder`
LEFT JOIN payppaypalpluspayment ON payppaypalpluspayment.OXORDERID = oxorder.OXID
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE oxorder index NULL MAINIDX 10 NULL 146861 Using index
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspayment index NULL OXORDERID 32 NULL 2630 Using where; Using index; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspui ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 519 Using where
Changed after adding suggested indexes in
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE oxorder ref OXFOLDER OXFOLDER 98 const 73450 Using index condition
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspayment ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2634 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspui ref OXPAYMENTID OXPAYMENTID 34 payppaypalpluspayment.OXPAYMENTID 1 Using where; Using index
After this count selects the backend is doing the same query with select oxorder.* and one column from payppaypalpluspui (takes about 600 seconds)
The UI has then already timed out. When I delete the last two joins and try it manually on the server the query takes < 1sec
CREATE TABLE `payppaypalpluspayment` (
`OXID` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Payment oxid id',
`OXORDERID` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order id',
`OXSALEID` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment sale id',
`OXPAYMENTID` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment id',
`OXSTATUS` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment status',
`OXDATECREATED` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Payment creation date',
`OXTOTAL` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Total payment amount',
`OXCURRENCY` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Payment currency',
`OXPAYMENTOBJECT` blob NOT NULL COMMENT 'Serialized payment object',
KEY `OXPAYMENTID` (`OXPAYMENTID`) <<< added this index
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='PayPal Plus payment data model'
Rows 3,228 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 11.4 MiB
CREATE TABLE `oxorder` (
`OXID` char(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order id',
`OXSHOPID` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Shop id (oxshops)',
`OXUSERID` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'User id (oxuser)',
`OXORDERDATE` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Order date',
`OXORDERNR` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order number',
KEY `OXPAYMENTTYPE` (`OXPAYMENTTYPE`), <<<< added this index
KEY `OXFOLDER` (`OXFOLDER`) <<<< added this index
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Shop orders information'
149,068 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 258.1 MiB
CREATE TABLE `payppaypalpluspui` (
`OXID` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Payment oxid id',
`OXPAYMENTID` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment id',
`OXREFERENCENUMBER` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI reference_number',
`OXBANKNAME` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction bank name',
`OXACCOUNTHOLDER` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction account holder',
`OXIBAN` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction IBAN',
`OXBIC` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction BIC',
`OXDUEDATE` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI due date',
`OXTOTAL` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI Total invoice amount',
`OXCURRENCY` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI invoice currency',
`OXPUIOBJECT` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'JSON representation of the payment instructions',
KEY `OXPAYMENTID` (`OXPAYMENTID`) <<<< added this index
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='PayPal Plus Pay upon Invoice data model'
Rows 655 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 1.5 MiB
innodb buffer pool = 8 GiB
RAM 10 GiB
php mysql database-performance
show 3 more comments
up vote
down vote
I have recently installed a new module(paypal express) in Oxid 6.0.x backend.
After installation, the backend menu point "orders", in my backend, is timing out. Cause the query needs too long. I am not able to view orders (which is a CMS vendor resource).
I already tried to debug it with our managed hoster support who doubled our ram to increased mysql buffer size as well as php timouts etc. within the php.ini.
After the hoster php.ini change I still see the query with status "Copying to tmp table" even so the hoster has increased the query buffers etc.
I am really not sure what the problem is. Does someone have an Idea what else I might try?
I cannot imagine that this one small join needs so much buffer space and time to excecute. Especially since the join to payppaypalpluspayment is the same as to oxv_oxpayments_de which is instant and on the same primary key.
This is the query I see running in processlist
Showing rows 0 - 0 (1 total, Query took 200.9683 seconds.) Has already decreased from about 10 min after the php.ini change
select count(*) from `oxorder`
LEFT JOIN `oxv_oxpayments_de` AS `payments` on `payments`.oxid=oxorder.oxpaymenttype
LEFT JOIN `oxv_oxpayments_de` AS pluspayments ON pluspayments.oxid = oxorder.oxpaymenttype
LEFT JOIN payppaypalpluspayment ON payppaypalpluspayment.OXORDERID = oxorder.OXID
LEFT JOIN payppaypalpluspui ON payppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID = payppaypalpluspayment.OXPAYMENTID
where 1 and ( oxorder.oxfolder = 'ORDERFOLDER_NEW' )
count(*) Result 150000
The problem may be this join, the others are instant results
rows 0 - 0 (1 total, Query took 153.2391 seconds.)
Select count(*) from `oxorder`
LEFT JOIN payppaypalpluspayment ON payppaypalpluspayment.OXORDERID = oxorder.OXID
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE oxorder index NULL MAINIDX 10 NULL 146861 Using index
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspayment index NULL OXORDERID 32 NULL 2630 Using where; Using index; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspui ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 519 Using where
Changed after adding suggested indexes in
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE oxorder ref OXFOLDER OXFOLDER 98 const 73450 Using index condition
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspayment ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2634 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspui ref OXPAYMENTID OXPAYMENTID 34 payppaypalpluspayment.OXPAYMENTID 1 Using where; Using index
After this count selects the backend is doing the same query with select oxorder.* and one column from payppaypalpluspui (takes about 600 seconds)
The UI has then already timed out. When I delete the last two joins and try it manually on the server the query takes < 1sec
CREATE TABLE `payppaypalpluspayment` (
`OXID` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Payment oxid id',
`OXORDERID` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order id',
`OXSALEID` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment sale id',
`OXPAYMENTID` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment id',
`OXSTATUS` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment status',
`OXDATECREATED` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Payment creation date',
`OXTOTAL` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Total payment amount',
`OXCURRENCY` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Payment currency',
`OXPAYMENTOBJECT` blob NOT NULL COMMENT 'Serialized payment object',
KEY `OXPAYMENTID` (`OXPAYMENTID`) <<< added this index
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='PayPal Plus payment data model'
Rows 3,228 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 11.4 MiB
CREATE TABLE `oxorder` (
`OXID` char(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order id',
`OXSHOPID` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Shop id (oxshops)',
`OXUSERID` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'User id (oxuser)',
`OXORDERDATE` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Order date',
`OXORDERNR` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order number',
KEY `OXPAYMENTTYPE` (`OXPAYMENTTYPE`), <<<< added this index
KEY `OXFOLDER` (`OXFOLDER`) <<<< added this index
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Shop orders information'
149,068 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 258.1 MiB
CREATE TABLE `payppaypalpluspui` (
`OXID` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Payment oxid id',
`OXPAYMENTID` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment id',
`OXREFERENCENUMBER` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI reference_number',
`OXBANKNAME` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction bank name',
`OXACCOUNTHOLDER` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction account holder',
`OXIBAN` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction IBAN',
`OXBIC` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction BIC',
`OXDUEDATE` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI due date',
`OXTOTAL` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI Total invoice amount',
`OXCURRENCY` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI invoice currency',
`OXPUIOBJECT` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'JSON representation of the payment instructions',
KEY `OXPAYMENTID` (`OXPAYMENTID`) <<<< added this index
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='PayPal Plus Pay upon Invoice data model'
Rows 655 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 1.5 MiB
innodb buffer pool = 8 GiB
RAM 10 GiB
php mysql database-performance
Adding an index onoxorder.oxpaymenttype
wouldn't hurt. On any of the fields you use to join (or sort...) on.
– jeroen
Nov 8 at 10:08
I added the index, which did not change the request time
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 10:14
payppaypalpluspui type: ALL
, so no index is used, meaning it does a full table scan. So you need an index onpayppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID
– Sergiu Paraschiv
Nov 8 at 10:17
yes, currently adding payppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID index... this seems to be taking some time
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 10:17
That's expected seeing that a full scan took 600 seconds :)
– Sergiu Paraschiv
Nov 8 at 10:21
show 3 more comments
up vote
down vote
up vote
down vote
I have recently installed a new module(paypal express) in Oxid 6.0.x backend.
After installation, the backend menu point "orders", in my backend, is timing out. Cause the query needs too long. I am not able to view orders (which is a CMS vendor resource).
I already tried to debug it with our managed hoster support who doubled our ram to increased mysql buffer size as well as php timouts etc. within the php.ini.
After the hoster php.ini change I still see the query with status "Copying to tmp table" even so the hoster has increased the query buffers etc.
I am really not sure what the problem is. Does someone have an Idea what else I might try?
I cannot imagine that this one small join needs so much buffer space and time to excecute. Especially since the join to payppaypalpluspayment is the same as to oxv_oxpayments_de which is instant and on the same primary key.
This is the query I see running in processlist
Showing rows 0 - 0 (1 total, Query took 200.9683 seconds.) Has already decreased from about 10 min after the php.ini change
select count(*) from `oxorder`
LEFT JOIN `oxv_oxpayments_de` AS `payments` on `payments`.oxid=oxorder.oxpaymenttype
LEFT JOIN `oxv_oxpayments_de` AS pluspayments ON pluspayments.oxid = oxorder.oxpaymenttype
LEFT JOIN payppaypalpluspayment ON payppaypalpluspayment.OXORDERID = oxorder.OXID
LEFT JOIN payppaypalpluspui ON payppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID = payppaypalpluspayment.OXPAYMENTID
where 1 and ( oxorder.oxfolder = 'ORDERFOLDER_NEW' )
count(*) Result 150000
The problem may be this join, the others are instant results
rows 0 - 0 (1 total, Query took 153.2391 seconds.)
Select count(*) from `oxorder`
LEFT JOIN payppaypalpluspayment ON payppaypalpluspayment.OXORDERID = oxorder.OXID
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE oxorder index NULL MAINIDX 10 NULL 146861 Using index
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspayment index NULL OXORDERID 32 NULL 2630 Using where; Using index; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspui ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 519 Using where
Changed after adding suggested indexes in
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE oxorder ref OXFOLDER OXFOLDER 98 const 73450 Using index condition
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspayment ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2634 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspui ref OXPAYMENTID OXPAYMENTID 34 payppaypalpluspayment.OXPAYMENTID 1 Using where; Using index
After this count selects the backend is doing the same query with select oxorder.* and one column from payppaypalpluspui (takes about 600 seconds)
The UI has then already timed out. When I delete the last two joins and try it manually on the server the query takes < 1sec
CREATE TABLE `payppaypalpluspayment` (
`OXID` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Payment oxid id',
`OXORDERID` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order id',
`OXSALEID` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment sale id',
`OXPAYMENTID` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment id',
`OXSTATUS` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment status',
`OXDATECREATED` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Payment creation date',
`OXTOTAL` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Total payment amount',
`OXCURRENCY` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Payment currency',
`OXPAYMENTOBJECT` blob NOT NULL COMMENT 'Serialized payment object',
KEY `OXPAYMENTID` (`OXPAYMENTID`) <<< added this index
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='PayPal Plus payment data model'
Rows 3,228 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 11.4 MiB
CREATE TABLE `oxorder` (
`OXID` char(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order id',
`OXSHOPID` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Shop id (oxshops)',
`OXUSERID` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'User id (oxuser)',
`OXORDERDATE` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Order date',
`OXORDERNR` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order number',
KEY `OXPAYMENTTYPE` (`OXPAYMENTTYPE`), <<<< added this index
KEY `OXFOLDER` (`OXFOLDER`) <<<< added this index
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Shop orders information'
149,068 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 258.1 MiB
CREATE TABLE `payppaypalpluspui` (
`OXID` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Payment oxid id',
`OXPAYMENTID` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment id',
`OXREFERENCENUMBER` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI reference_number',
`OXBANKNAME` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction bank name',
`OXACCOUNTHOLDER` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction account holder',
`OXIBAN` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction IBAN',
`OXBIC` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction BIC',
`OXDUEDATE` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI due date',
`OXTOTAL` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI Total invoice amount',
`OXCURRENCY` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI invoice currency',
`OXPUIOBJECT` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'JSON representation of the payment instructions',
KEY `OXPAYMENTID` (`OXPAYMENTID`) <<<< added this index
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='PayPal Plus Pay upon Invoice data model'
Rows 655 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 1.5 MiB
innodb buffer pool = 8 GiB
RAM 10 GiB
php mysql database-performance
I have recently installed a new module(paypal express) in Oxid 6.0.x backend.
After installation, the backend menu point "orders", in my backend, is timing out. Cause the query needs too long. I am not able to view orders (which is a CMS vendor resource).
I already tried to debug it with our managed hoster support who doubled our ram to increased mysql buffer size as well as php timouts etc. within the php.ini.
After the hoster php.ini change I still see the query with status "Copying to tmp table" even so the hoster has increased the query buffers etc.
I am really not sure what the problem is. Does someone have an Idea what else I might try?
I cannot imagine that this one small join needs so much buffer space and time to excecute. Especially since the join to payppaypalpluspayment is the same as to oxv_oxpayments_de which is instant and on the same primary key.
This is the query I see running in processlist
Showing rows 0 - 0 (1 total, Query took 200.9683 seconds.) Has already decreased from about 10 min after the php.ini change
select count(*) from `oxorder`
LEFT JOIN `oxv_oxpayments_de` AS `payments` on `payments`.oxid=oxorder.oxpaymenttype
LEFT JOIN `oxv_oxpayments_de` AS pluspayments ON pluspayments.oxid = oxorder.oxpaymenttype
LEFT JOIN payppaypalpluspayment ON payppaypalpluspayment.OXORDERID = oxorder.OXID
LEFT JOIN payppaypalpluspui ON payppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID = payppaypalpluspayment.OXPAYMENTID
where 1 and ( oxorder.oxfolder = 'ORDERFOLDER_NEW' )
count(*) Result 150000
The problem may be this join, the others are instant results
rows 0 - 0 (1 total, Query took 153.2391 seconds.)
Select count(*) from `oxorder`
LEFT JOIN payppaypalpluspayment ON payppaypalpluspayment.OXORDERID = oxorder.OXID
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE oxorder index NULL MAINIDX 10 NULL 146861 Using index
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspayment index NULL OXORDERID 32 NULL 2630 Using where; Using index; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspui ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 519 Using where
Changed after adding suggested indexes in
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
1 SIMPLE oxorder ref OXFOLDER OXFOLDER 98 const 73450 Using index condition
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspayment ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2634 Using where; Using join buffer (flat, BNL join)
1 SIMPLE payppaypalpluspui ref OXPAYMENTID OXPAYMENTID 34 payppaypalpluspayment.OXPAYMENTID 1 Using where; Using index
After this count selects the backend is doing the same query with select oxorder.* and one column from payppaypalpluspui (takes about 600 seconds)
The UI has then already timed out. When I delete the last two joins and try it manually on the server the query takes < 1sec
CREATE TABLE `payppaypalpluspayment` (
`OXID` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Payment oxid id',
`OXORDERID` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order id',
`OXSALEID` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment sale id',
`OXPAYMENTID` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment id',
`OXSTATUS` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment status',
`OXDATECREATED` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Payment creation date',
`OXTOTAL` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Total payment amount',
`OXCURRENCY` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Payment currency',
`OXPAYMENTOBJECT` blob NOT NULL COMMENT 'Serialized payment object',
KEY `OXPAYMENTID` (`OXPAYMENTID`) <<< added this index
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='PayPal Plus payment data model'
Rows 3,228 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 11.4 MiB
CREATE TABLE `oxorder` (
`OXID` char(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order id',
`OXSHOPID` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Shop id (oxshops)',
`OXUSERID` char(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'User id (oxuser)',
`OXORDERDATE` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'Order date',
`OXORDERNR` varchar(16) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Order number',
KEY `OXPAYMENTTYPE` (`OXPAYMENTTYPE`), <<<< added this index
KEY `OXFOLDER` (`OXFOLDER`) <<<< added this index
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Shop orders information'
149,068 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 258.1 MiB
CREATE TABLE `payppaypalpluspui` (
`OXID` char(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Payment oxid id',
`OXPAYMENTID` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus payment id',
`OXREFERENCENUMBER` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI reference_number',
`OXBANKNAME` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction bank name',
`OXACCOUNTHOLDER` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction account holder',
`OXIBAN` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction IBAN',
`OXBIC` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI banking instruction BIC',
`OXDUEDATE` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI due date',
`OXTOTAL` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI Total invoice amount',
`OXCURRENCY` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'PayPal Plus PuI invoice currency',
`OXPUIOBJECT` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'JSON representation of the payment instructions',
KEY `OXPAYMENTID` (`OXPAYMENTID`) <<<< added this index
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='PayPal Plus Pay upon Invoice data model'
Rows 655 InnoDB utf8_general_ci 1.5 MiB
innodb buffer pool = 8 GiB
RAM 10 GiB
php mysql database-performance
php mysql database-performance
edited Nov 9 at 7:35
asked Nov 8 at 10:00
Adding an index onoxorder.oxpaymenttype
wouldn't hurt. On any of the fields you use to join (or sort...) on.
– jeroen
Nov 8 at 10:08
I added the index, which did not change the request time
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 10:14
payppaypalpluspui type: ALL
, so no index is used, meaning it does a full table scan. So you need an index onpayppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID
– Sergiu Paraschiv
Nov 8 at 10:17
yes, currently adding payppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID index... this seems to be taking some time
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 10:17
That's expected seeing that a full scan took 600 seconds :)
– Sergiu Paraschiv
Nov 8 at 10:21
show 3 more comments
Adding an index onoxorder.oxpaymenttype
wouldn't hurt. On any of the fields you use to join (or sort...) on.
– jeroen
Nov 8 at 10:08
I added the index, which did not change the request time
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 10:14
payppaypalpluspui type: ALL
, so no index is used, meaning it does a full table scan. So you need an index onpayppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID
– Sergiu Paraschiv
Nov 8 at 10:17
yes, currently adding payppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID index... this seems to be taking some time
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 10:17
That's expected seeing that a full scan took 600 seconds :)
– Sergiu Paraschiv
Nov 8 at 10:21
Adding an index on
wouldn't hurt. On any of the fields you use to join (or sort...) on.– jeroen
Nov 8 at 10:08
Adding an index on
wouldn't hurt. On any of the fields you use to join (or sort...) on.– jeroen
Nov 8 at 10:08
I added the index, which did not change the request time
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 10:14
I added the index, which did not change the request time
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 10:14
payppaypalpluspui type: ALL
, so no index is used, meaning it does a full table scan. So you need an index on payppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID
.– Sergiu Paraschiv
Nov 8 at 10:17
payppaypalpluspui type: ALL
, so no index is used, meaning it does a full table scan. So you need an index on payppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID
.– Sergiu Paraschiv
Nov 8 at 10:17
yes, currently adding payppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID index... this seems to be taking some time
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 10:17
yes, currently adding payppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID index... this seems to be taking some time
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 10:17
That's expected seeing that a full scan took 600 seconds :)
– Sergiu Paraschiv
Nov 8 at 10:21
That's expected seeing that a full scan took 600 seconds :)
– Sergiu Paraschiv
Nov 8 at 10:21
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2 Answers
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Your problem is that you are comparing columns encoded in different character sets, latin1 and utf8. In such cases, index may not be used for key look-ups. You should make sure to use the same character set for all your key columns.
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Edit: originally I thought that the LEFT Join's were not relevant, but in theory they can inflate the count as pointed out by the comments.
For this count query. All of the LEFT JOIN's seem irrelevant, since the joined do not seem to contain more rows than the left table, and you retrieve only the count, not the data from those. I would remove all of them (if that would be possible, but I now understand that is not the case)
For the oxorder.* query. Do not include joins that you don't use. Also you think of changing the primary key if you always access the joined table in a one on one situation
these are not my querys, but they are vendor given (from the CMS and the isntalled modules). I could change them, but only with big effort in that I write a new module which overwrites these queries, which might get into problems later when installing other modules which would add to this. So I am trying to solve this beforehand by checking why this would take so long anyways.
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 11:49
Understood. So what about changing the primary for table payppaypalpluspayment to column oxorderid?
– Ben Ootjers
Nov 8 at 11:53
has no effect at all
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 12:16
can inflate the count if multiple rows occur on the 'right'.
– Rick James
Nov 9 at 0:35
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2 Answers
2 Answers
up vote
down vote
Your problem is that you are comparing columns encoded in different character sets, latin1 and utf8. In such cases, index may not be used for key look-ups. You should make sure to use the same character set for all your key columns.
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Your problem is that you are comparing columns encoded in different character sets, latin1 and utf8. In such cases, index may not be used for key look-ups. You should make sure to use the same character set for all your key columns.
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up vote
down vote
Your problem is that you are comparing columns encoded in different character sets, latin1 and utf8. In such cases, index may not be used for key look-ups. You should make sure to use the same character set for all your key columns.
Your problem is that you are comparing columns encoded in different character sets, latin1 and utf8. In such cases, index may not be used for key look-ups. You should make sure to use the same character set for all your key columns.
answered Nov 8 at 15:22
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Edit: originally I thought that the LEFT Join's were not relevant, but in theory they can inflate the count as pointed out by the comments.
For this count query. All of the LEFT JOIN's seem irrelevant, since the joined do not seem to contain more rows than the left table, and you retrieve only the count, not the data from those. I would remove all of them (if that would be possible, but I now understand that is not the case)
For the oxorder.* query. Do not include joins that you don't use. Also you think of changing the primary key if you always access the joined table in a one on one situation
these are not my querys, but they are vendor given (from the CMS and the isntalled modules). I could change them, but only with big effort in that I write a new module which overwrites these queries, which might get into problems later when installing other modules which would add to this. So I am trying to solve this beforehand by checking why this would take so long anyways.
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 11:49
Understood. So what about changing the primary for table payppaypalpluspayment to column oxorderid?
– Ben Ootjers
Nov 8 at 11:53
has no effect at all
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 12:16
can inflate the count if multiple rows occur on the 'right'.
– Rick James
Nov 9 at 0:35
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up vote
down vote
Edit: originally I thought that the LEFT Join's were not relevant, but in theory they can inflate the count as pointed out by the comments.
For this count query. All of the LEFT JOIN's seem irrelevant, since the joined do not seem to contain more rows than the left table, and you retrieve only the count, not the data from those. I would remove all of them (if that would be possible, but I now understand that is not the case)
For the oxorder.* query. Do not include joins that you don't use. Also you think of changing the primary key if you always access the joined table in a one on one situation
these are not my querys, but they are vendor given (from the CMS and the isntalled modules). I could change them, but only with big effort in that I write a new module which overwrites these queries, which might get into problems later when installing other modules which would add to this. So I am trying to solve this beforehand by checking why this would take so long anyways.
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 11:49
Understood. So what about changing the primary for table payppaypalpluspayment to column oxorderid?
– Ben Ootjers
Nov 8 at 11:53
has no effect at all
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 12:16
can inflate the count if multiple rows occur on the 'right'.
– Rick James
Nov 9 at 0:35
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up vote
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up vote
down vote
Edit: originally I thought that the LEFT Join's were not relevant, but in theory they can inflate the count as pointed out by the comments.
For this count query. All of the LEFT JOIN's seem irrelevant, since the joined do not seem to contain more rows than the left table, and you retrieve only the count, not the data from those. I would remove all of them (if that would be possible, but I now understand that is not the case)
For the oxorder.* query. Do not include joins that you don't use. Also you think of changing the primary key if you always access the joined table in a one on one situation
Edit: originally I thought that the LEFT Join's were not relevant, but in theory they can inflate the count as pointed out by the comments.
For this count query. All of the LEFT JOIN's seem irrelevant, since the joined do not seem to contain more rows than the left table, and you retrieve only the count, not the data from those. I would remove all of them (if that would be possible, but I now understand that is not the case)
For the oxorder.* query. Do not include joins that you don't use. Also you think of changing the primary key if you always access the joined table in a one on one situation
edited Nov 9 at 7:35
answered Nov 8 at 11:43
Ben Ootjers
these are not my querys, but they are vendor given (from the CMS and the isntalled modules). I could change them, but only with big effort in that I write a new module which overwrites these queries, which might get into problems later when installing other modules which would add to this. So I am trying to solve this beforehand by checking why this would take so long anyways.
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 11:49
Understood. So what about changing the primary for table payppaypalpluspayment to column oxorderid?
– Ben Ootjers
Nov 8 at 11:53
has no effect at all
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 12:16
can inflate the count if multiple rows occur on the 'right'.
– Rick James
Nov 9 at 0:35
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these are not my querys, but they are vendor given (from the CMS and the isntalled modules). I could change them, but only with big effort in that I write a new module which overwrites these queries, which might get into problems later when installing other modules which would add to this. So I am trying to solve this beforehand by checking why this would take so long anyways.
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 11:49
Understood. So what about changing the primary for table payppaypalpluspayment to column oxorderid?
– Ben Ootjers
Nov 8 at 11:53
has no effect at all
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 12:16
can inflate the count if multiple rows occur on the 'right'.
– Rick James
Nov 9 at 0:35
these are not my querys, but they are vendor given (from the CMS and the isntalled modules). I could change them, but only with big effort in that I write a new module which overwrites these queries, which might get into problems later when installing other modules which would add to this. So I am trying to solve this beforehand by checking why this would take so long anyways.
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 11:49
these are not my querys, but they are vendor given (from the CMS and the isntalled modules). I could change them, but only with big effort in that I write a new module which overwrites these queries, which might get into problems later when installing other modules which would add to this. So I am trying to solve this beforehand by checking why this would take so long anyways.
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 11:49
Understood. So what about changing the primary for table payppaypalpluspayment to column oxorderid?
– Ben Ootjers
Nov 8 at 11:53
Understood. So what about changing the primary for table payppaypalpluspayment to column oxorderid?
– Ben Ootjers
Nov 8 at 11:53
has no effect at all
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 12:16
has no effect at all
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 12:16
can inflate the count if multiple rows occur on the 'right'.– Rick James
Nov 9 at 0:35
can inflate the count if multiple rows occur on the 'right'.– Rick James
Nov 9 at 0:35
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Adding an index on
wouldn't hurt. On any of the fields you use to join (or sort...) on.– jeroen
Nov 8 at 10:08
I added the index, which did not change the request time
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 10:14
payppaypalpluspui type: ALL
, so no index is used, meaning it does a full table scan. So you need an index onpayppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID
.– Sergiu Paraschiv
Nov 8 at 10:17
yes, currently adding payppaypalpluspui.OXPAYMENTID index... this seems to be taking some time
– veritaS
Nov 8 at 10:17
That's expected seeing that a full scan took 600 seconds :)
– Sergiu Paraschiv
Nov 8 at 10:21