Count the number of points within a specific distance of each raster cell with a timestamp condition
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down vote
I have thousands of coordinates for point data (sample in code below) that are derived from a tractor guidance system with a timestamp for each coordinate. I created a 1 m resolution empty raster. How can I count the number of points within a specified distance (let's say 14 meters) for each raster cell but only for points not within 6 (+/- 3) timestamp units of the point?
libs <- c("raster","dplyr", "rgdal", "sp", "sf")
have <- libs %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if(any(!have)) install.packages(libs[!have])
sapply(libs, function(i) require(i, character.only=TRUE))
pts70 <- structure(list(Latitude = c(35.09263063, 35.09263784, 35.09264402,
35.09265182, 35.09265815, 35.09266566, 35.09267184, 35.09267979,
35.09269097, 35.09269627, 35.09270054, 35.09270422, 35.09271511,
35.09272232, 35.09272997, 35.09273821, 35.09273468, 35.09274645,
35.09277486, 35.09280812, 35.09284226, 35.09287464, 35.09290098,
35.0929129, 35.09291143, 35.09289568, 35.09287273, 35.09285683,
35.09285477, 35.09287331, 35.09290672, 35.09294866, 35.09298825,
35.09301548, 35.09301769, 35.09301077, 35.09299223, 35.09296839,
35.09294557, 35.09292924, 35.09291894, 35.09290893, 35.09289936,
35.09289112, 35.09288273, 35.0928742, 35.09286654, 35.09285771,
35.09285168, 35.09284314, 35.09283593, 35.0928271, 35.09282092,
35.09281209, 35.09280444, 35.09279826, 35.09278899, 35.09278148,
35.0927728, 35.09276544, 35.09275764, 35.09275146, 35.09274219,
35.0927363, 35.09272747, 35.09271967, 35.09271069, 35.09270378,
35.0926948, 35.09268847, 35.09268038), Longitude = c(-93.98941262,
-93.98937898, -93.98934607, -93.98931225, -93.9892779, -93.98924354,
-93.98921387, -93.98918347, -93.9891466, -93.98910901, -93.98907951,
-93.98904479, -93.98900594, -93.98897033, -93.98893741, -93.9889027,
-93.98885612, -93.98880917, -93.98880414, -93.98880971, -93.98880432,
-93.98878651, -93.98875773, -93.9887214, -93.98868668, -93.98865611,
-93.98862265, -93.98858002, -93.98853092, -93.98848326, -93.98845088,
-93.98844207, -93.98845808, -93.98849369, -93.9885329, -93.98856977,
-93.98859603, -93.98861744, -93.98864136, -93.9886714, -93.98870395,
-93.98873669, -93.98876906, -93.98880216, -93.98883651, -93.98887015,
-93.98890414, -93.98893849, -93.98897069, -93.98900486, -93.98903922,
-93.98907357, -93.98910811, -93.98913958, -93.98917268, -93.98920577,
-93.98923941, -93.98927196, -93.98930524, -93.98933833, -93.98937215,
-93.98940344, -93.98943744, -93.98947125, -93.98950453, -93.98953834,
-93.9895718, -93.98960579, -93.98963889, -93.98967288, -93.98970669
), Timestamp = c(1540321036L,
1540321037L, 1540321038L, 1540321039L, 1540321040L, 1540321041L,
1540321042L, 1540321043L, 1540321044L, 1540321045L, 1540321046L,
1540321047L, 1540321049L, 1540321050L, 1540321051L, 1540321052L,
1540321053L, 1540321054L, 1540321055L, 1540321056L, 1540321057L,
1540321058L, 1540321059L, 1540321060L, 1540321061L, 1540321062L,
1540321063L, 1540321064L, 1540321065L, 1540321066L, 1540321067L,
1540321068L, 1540321069L, 1540321070L, 1540321071L, 1540321072L,
1540321073L, 1540321074L, 1540321075L, 1540321076L, 1540321077L,
1540321078L, 1540321079L, 1540321080L, 1540321081L, 1540321082L,
1540321083L, 1540321084L, 1540321085L, 1540321086L, 1540321087L,
1540321088L, 1540321089L, 1540321090L, 1540321091L, 1540321092L,
1540321093L, 1540321094L, 1540321095L, 1540321096L, 1540321097L,
1540321098L, 1540321099L, 1540321100L, 1540321101L, 1540321102L,
1540321103L, 1540321104L, 1540321105L, 1540321106L, 1540321107L
)), row.names = 3371:3441, class = "data.frame")
sf_pts <- pts70 %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), agr="constant") %>%
sf::st_set_crs(4326) %>%
sf::st_transform(crs = 32615)
r <- raster()
bb <- extent(sf_pts)
r <- setExtent(r, bb)
res(r) <- 1
crs(r) <- '+init=EPSG:32615'
r r-raster sp sf
show 3 more comments
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down vote
I have thousands of coordinates for point data (sample in code below) that are derived from a tractor guidance system with a timestamp for each coordinate. I created a 1 m resolution empty raster. How can I count the number of points within a specified distance (let's say 14 meters) for each raster cell but only for points not within 6 (+/- 3) timestamp units of the point?
libs <- c("raster","dplyr", "rgdal", "sp", "sf")
have <- libs %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if(any(!have)) install.packages(libs[!have])
sapply(libs, function(i) require(i, character.only=TRUE))
pts70 <- structure(list(Latitude = c(35.09263063, 35.09263784, 35.09264402,
35.09265182, 35.09265815, 35.09266566, 35.09267184, 35.09267979,
35.09269097, 35.09269627, 35.09270054, 35.09270422, 35.09271511,
35.09272232, 35.09272997, 35.09273821, 35.09273468, 35.09274645,
35.09277486, 35.09280812, 35.09284226, 35.09287464, 35.09290098,
35.0929129, 35.09291143, 35.09289568, 35.09287273, 35.09285683,
35.09285477, 35.09287331, 35.09290672, 35.09294866, 35.09298825,
35.09301548, 35.09301769, 35.09301077, 35.09299223, 35.09296839,
35.09294557, 35.09292924, 35.09291894, 35.09290893, 35.09289936,
35.09289112, 35.09288273, 35.0928742, 35.09286654, 35.09285771,
35.09285168, 35.09284314, 35.09283593, 35.0928271, 35.09282092,
35.09281209, 35.09280444, 35.09279826, 35.09278899, 35.09278148,
35.0927728, 35.09276544, 35.09275764, 35.09275146, 35.09274219,
35.0927363, 35.09272747, 35.09271967, 35.09271069, 35.09270378,
35.0926948, 35.09268847, 35.09268038), Longitude = c(-93.98941262,
-93.98937898, -93.98934607, -93.98931225, -93.9892779, -93.98924354,
-93.98921387, -93.98918347, -93.9891466, -93.98910901, -93.98907951,
-93.98904479, -93.98900594, -93.98897033, -93.98893741, -93.9889027,
-93.98885612, -93.98880917, -93.98880414, -93.98880971, -93.98880432,
-93.98878651, -93.98875773, -93.9887214, -93.98868668, -93.98865611,
-93.98862265, -93.98858002, -93.98853092, -93.98848326, -93.98845088,
-93.98844207, -93.98845808, -93.98849369, -93.9885329, -93.98856977,
-93.98859603, -93.98861744, -93.98864136, -93.9886714, -93.98870395,
-93.98873669, -93.98876906, -93.98880216, -93.98883651, -93.98887015,
-93.98890414, -93.98893849, -93.98897069, -93.98900486, -93.98903922,
-93.98907357, -93.98910811, -93.98913958, -93.98917268, -93.98920577,
-93.98923941, -93.98927196, -93.98930524, -93.98933833, -93.98937215,
-93.98940344, -93.98943744, -93.98947125, -93.98950453, -93.98953834,
-93.9895718, -93.98960579, -93.98963889, -93.98967288, -93.98970669
), Timestamp = c(1540321036L,
1540321037L, 1540321038L, 1540321039L, 1540321040L, 1540321041L,
1540321042L, 1540321043L, 1540321044L, 1540321045L, 1540321046L,
1540321047L, 1540321049L, 1540321050L, 1540321051L, 1540321052L,
1540321053L, 1540321054L, 1540321055L, 1540321056L, 1540321057L,
1540321058L, 1540321059L, 1540321060L, 1540321061L, 1540321062L,
1540321063L, 1540321064L, 1540321065L, 1540321066L, 1540321067L,
1540321068L, 1540321069L, 1540321070L, 1540321071L, 1540321072L,
1540321073L, 1540321074L, 1540321075L, 1540321076L, 1540321077L,
1540321078L, 1540321079L, 1540321080L, 1540321081L, 1540321082L,
1540321083L, 1540321084L, 1540321085L, 1540321086L, 1540321087L,
1540321088L, 1540321089L, 1540321090L, 1540321091L, 1540321092L,
1540321093L, 1540321094L, 1540321095L, 1540321096L, 1540321097L,
1540321098L, 1540321099L, 1540321100L, 1540321101L, 1540321102L,
1540321103L, 1540321104L, 1540321105L, 1540321106L, 1540321107L
)), row.names = 3371:3441, class = "data.frame")
sf_pts <- pts70 %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), agr="constant") %>%
sf::st_set_crs(4326) %>%
sf::st_transform(crs = 32615)
r <- raster()
bb <- extent(sf_pts)
r <- setExtent(r, bb)
res(r) <- 1
crs(r) <- '+init=EPSG:32615'
r r-raster sp sf
@42-I added the point and line buffers, as well as library code. I could not figure out how to count the number of points/lines within 7 meters for the raster object, so excluded here.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 0:54
Strange, I just ran this in a vanilla environment and no error. Running R 3.5.1 in Windows 7 pro. Sorry my variable name was confusing for you, but should run fine with copy/paste into an R script.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 1:19
Package access was fine. My R version (running in Linux) is also 3.5.1 and all of my packages were installed in the last week. raster ; dplyr ; rgdal ; sp ; sf : respectively: "2.8-4" "0.7.7" "1.3-6" "1.3-1" "0.7-1". I've looked at the output but I'm having trouble figuring out the actual problem. Perhaps if you plotted what you are seeing and made reference to to specific locations?
– 42-
Nov 10 at 1:35
@42-I tried to clarify the question; the answer to which will solve at least the first step in my overall problem.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 16:32
When I change "EPSG" to "epsg" the warning goes away, and there is then valid entry inr@crs@progargs
, but the added titles to the plots do not help me understand your problem. It's perfectly possible that my lack of experience with the specialized spatial data structures and terminology is the reason I still don't understand. If I were you, I would try posting the question in the spatial SIG mailing list. I would suggest further expanding your description of what you are trying to do. It still seems cryptic to me.
– 42-
Nov 10 at 17:46
show 3 more comments
up vote
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up vote
down vote
I have thousands of coordinates for point data (sample in code below) that are derived from a tractor guidance system with a timestamp for each coordinate. I created a 1 m resolution empty raster. How can I count the number of points within a specified distance (let's say 14 meters) for each raster cell but only for points not within 6 (+/- 3) timestamp units of the point?
libs <- c("raster","dplyr", "rgdal", "sp", "sf")
have <- libs %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if(any(!have)) install.packages(libs[!have])
sapply(libs, function(i) require(i, character.only=TRUE))
pts70 <- structure(list(Latitude = c(35.09263063, 35.09263784, 35.09264402,
35.09265182, 35.09265815, 35.09266566, 35.09267184, 35.09267979,
35.09269097, 35.09269627, 35.09270054, 35.09270422, 35.09271511,
35.09272232, 35.09272997, 35.09273821, 35.09273468, 35.09274645,
35.09277486, 35.09280812, 35.09284226, 35.09287464, 35.09290098,
35.0929129, 35.09291143, 35.09289568, 35.09287273, 35.09285683,
35.09285477, 35.09287331, 35.09290672, 35.09294866, 35.09298825,
35.09301548, 35.09301769, 35.09301077, 35.09299223, 35.09296839,
35.09294557, 35.09292924, 35.09291894, 35.09290893, 35.09289936,
35.09289112, 35.09288273, 35.0928742, 35.09286654, 35.09285771,
35.09285168, 35.09284314, 35.09283593, 35.0928271, 35.09282092,
35.09281209, 35.09280444, 35.09279826, 35.09278899, 35.09278148,
35.0927728, 35.09276544, 35.09275764, 35.09275146, 35.09274219,
35.0927363, 35.09272747, 35.09271967, 35.09271069, 35.09270378,
35.0926948, 35.09268847, 35.09268038), Longitude = c(-93.98941262,
-93.98937898, -93.98934607, -93.98931225, -93.9892779, -93.98924354,
-93.98921387, -93.98918347, -93.9891466, -93.98910901, -93.98907951,
-93.98904479, -93.98900594, -93.98897033, -93.98893741, -93.9889027,
-93.98885612, -93.98880917, -93.98880414, -93.98880971, -93.98880432,
-93.98878651, -93.98875773, -93.9887214, -93.98868668, -93.98865611,
-93.98862265, -93.98858002, -93.98853092, -93.98848326, -93.98845088,
-93.98844207, -93.98845808, -93.98849369, -93.9885329, -93.98856977,
-93.98859603, -93.98861744, -93.98864136, -93.9886714, -93.98870395,
-93.98873669, -93.98876906, -93.98880216, -93.98883651, -93.98887015,
-93.98890414, -93.98893849, -93.98897069, -93.98900486, -93.98903922,
-93.98907357, -93.98910811, -93.98913958, -93.98917268, -93.98920577,
-93.98923941, -93.98927196, -93.98930524, -93.98933833, -93.98937215,
-93.98940344, -93.98943744, -93.98947125, -93.98950453, -93.98953834,
-93.9895718, -93.98960579, -93.98963889, -93.98967288, -93.98970669
), Timestamp = c(1540321036L,
1540321037L, 1540321038L, 1540321039L, 1540321040L, 1540321041L,
1540321042L, 1540321043L, 1540321044L, 1540321045L, 1540321046L,
1540321047L, 1540321049L, 1540321050L, 1540321051L, 1540321052L,
1540321053L, 1540321054L, 1540321055L, 1540321056L, 1540321057L,
1540321058L, 1540321059L, 1540321060L, 1540321061L, 1540321062L,
1540321063L, 1540321064L, 1540321065L, 1540321066L, 1540321067L,
1540321068L, 1540321069L, 1540321070L, 1540321071L, 1540321072L,
1540321073L, 1540321074L, 1540321075L, 1540321076L, 1540321077L,
1540321078L, 1540321079L, 1540321080L, 1540321081L, 1540321082L,
1540321083L, 1540321084L, 1540321085L, 1540321086L, 1540321087L,
1540321088L, 1540321089L, 1540321090L, 1540321091L, 1540321092L,
1540321093L, 1540321094L, 1540321095L, 1540321096L, 1540321097L,
1540321098L, 1540321099L, 1540321100L, 1540321101L, 1540321102L,
1540321103L, 1540321104L, 1540321105L, 1540321106L, 1540321107L
)), row.names = 3371:3441, class = "data.frame")
sf_pts <- pts70 %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), agr="constant") %>%
sf::st_set_crs(4326) %>%
sf::st_transform(crs = 32615)
r <- raster()
bb <- extent(sf_pts)
r <- setExtent(r, bb)
res(r) <- 1
crs(r) <- '+init=EPSG:32615'
r r-raster sp sf
I have thousands of coordinates for point data (sample in code below) that are derived from a tractor guidance system with a timestamp for each coordinate. I created a 1 m resolution empty raster. How can I count the number of points within a specified distance (let's say 14 meters) for each raster cell but only for points not within 6 (+/- 3) timestamp units of the point?
libs <- c("raster","dplyr", "rgdal", "sp", "sf")
have <- libs %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if(any(!have)) install.packages(libs[!have])
sapply(libs, function(i) require(i, character.only=TRUE))
pts70 <- structure(list(Latitude = c(35.09263063, 35.09263784, 35.09264402,
35.09265182, 35.09265815, 35.09266566, 35.09267184, 35.09267979,
35.09269097, 35.09269627, 35.09270054, 35.09270422, 35.09271511,
35.09272232, 35.09272997, 35.09273821, 35.09273468, 35.09274645,
35.09277486, 35.09280812, 35.09284226, 35.09287464, 35.09290098,
35.0929129, 35.09291143, 35.09289568, 35.09287273, 35.09285683,
35.09285477, 35.09287331, 35.09290672, 35.09294866, 35.09298825,
35.09301548, 35.09301769, 35.09301077, 35.09299223, 35.09296839,
35.09294557, 35.09292924, 35.09291894, 35.09290893, 35.09289936,
35.09289112, 35.09288273, 35.0928742, 35.09286654, 35.09285771,
35.09285168, 35.09284314, 35.09283593, 35.0928271, 35.09282092,
35.09281209, 35.09280444, 35.09279826, 35.09278899, 35.09278148,
35.0927728, 35.09276544, 35.09275764, 35.09275146, 35.09274219,
35.0927363, 35.09272747, 35.09271967, 35.09271069, 35.09270378,
35.0926948, 35.09268847, 35.09268038), Longitude = c(-93.98941262,
-93.98937898, -93.98934607, -93.98931225, -93.9892779, -93.98924354,
-93.98921387, -93.98918347, -93.9891466, -93.98910901, -93.98907951,
-93.98904479, -93.98900594, -93.98897033, -93.98893741, -93.9889027,
-93.98885612, -93.98880917, -93.98880414, -93.98880971, -93.98880432,
-93.98878651, -93.98875773, -93.9887214, -93.98868668, -93.98865611,
-93.98862265, -93.98858002, -93.98853092, -93.98848326, -93.98845088,
-93.98844207, -93.98845808, -93.98849369, -93.9885329, -93.98856977,
-93.98859603, -93.98861744, -93.98864136, -93.9886714, -93.98870395,
-93.98873669, -93.98876906, -93.98880216, -93.98883651, -93.98887015,
-93.98890414, -93.98893849, -93.98897069, -93.98900486, -93.98903922,
-93.98907357, -93.98910811, -93.98913958, -93.98917268, -93.98920577,
-93.98923941, -93.98927196, -93.98930524, -93.98933833, -93.98937215,
-93.98940344, -93.98943744, -93.98947125, -93.98950453, -93.98953834,
-93.9895718, -93.98960579, -93.98963889, -93.98967288, -93.98970669
), Timestamp = c(1540321036L,
1540321037L, 1540321038L, 1540321039L, 1540321040L, 1540321041L,
1540321042L, 1540321043L, 1540321044L, 1540321045L, 1540321046L,
1540321047L, 1540321049L, 1540321050L, 1540321051L, 1540321052L,
1540321053L, 1540321054L, 1540321055L, 1540321056L, 1540321057L,
1540321058L, 1540321059L, 1540321060L, 1540321061L, 1540321062L,
1540321063L, 1540321064L, 1540321065L, 1540321066L, 1540321067L,
1540321068L, 1540321069L, 1540321070L, 1540321071L, 1540321072L,
1540321073L, 1540321074L, 1540321075L, 1540321076L, 1540321077L,
1540321078L, 1540321079L, 1540321080L, 1540321081L, 1540321082L,
1540321083L, 1540321084L, 1540321085L, 1540321086L, 1540321087L,
1540321088L, 1540321089L, 1540321090L, 1540321091L, 1540321092L,
1540321093L, 1540321094L, 1540321095L, 1540321096L, 1540321097L,
1540321098L, 1540321099L, 1540321100L, 1540321101L, 1540321102L,
1540321103L, 1540321104L, 1540321105L, 1540321106L, 1540321107L
)), row.names = 3371:3441, class = "data.frame")
sf_pts <- pts70 %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), agr="constant") %>%
sf::st_set_crs(4326) %>%
sf::st_transform(crs = 32615)
r <- raster()
bb <- extent(sf_pts)
r <- setExtent(r, bb)
res(r) <- 1
crs(r) <- '+init=EPSG:32615'
r r-raster sp sf
r r-raster sp sf
edited Nov 20 at 16:20
asked Nov 10 at 0:09
AMS Nomad
@42-I added the point and line buffers, as well as library code. I could not figure out how to count the number of points/lines within 7 meters for the raster object, so excluded here.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 0:54
Strange, I just ran this in a vanilla environment and no error. Running R 3.5.1 in Windows 7 pro. Sorry my variable name was confusing for you, but should run fine with copy/paste into an R script.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 1:19
Package access was fine. My R version (running in Linux) is also 3.5.1 and all of my packages were installed in the last week. raster ; dplyr ; rgdal ; sp ; sf : respectively: "2.8-4" "0.7.7" "1.3-6" "1.3-1" "0.7-1". I've looked at the output but I'm having trouble figuring out the actual problem. Perhaps if you plotted what you are seeing and made reference to to specific locations?
– 42-
Nov 10 at 1:35
@42-I tried to clarify the question; the answer to which will solve at least the first step in my overall problem.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 16:32
When I change "EPSG" to "epsg" the warning goes away, and there is then valid entry inr@crs@progargs
, but the added titles to the plots do not help me understand your problem. It's perfectly possible that my lack of experience with the specialized spatial data structures and terminology is the reason I still don't understand. If I were you, I would try posting the question in the spatial SIG mailing list. I would suggest further expanding your description of what you are trying to do. It still seems cryptic to me.
– 42-
Nov 10 at 17:46
show 3 more comments
@42-I added the point and line buffers, as well as library code. I could not figure out how to count the number of points/lines within 7 meters for the raster object, so excluded here.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 0:54
Strange, I just ran this in a vanilla environment and no error. Running R 3.5.1 in Windows 7 pro. Sorry my variable name was confusing for you, but should run fine with copy/paste into an R script.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 1:19
Package access was fine. My R version (running in Linux) is also 3.5.1 and all of my packages were installed in the last week. raster ; dplyr ; rgdal ; sp ; sf : respectively: "2.8-4" "0.7.7" "1.3-6" "1.3-1" "0.7-1". I've looked at the output but I'm having trouble figuring out the actual problem. Perhaps if you plotted what you are seeing and made reference to to specific locations?
– 42-
Nov 10 at 1:35
@42-I tried to clarify the question; the answer to which will solve at least the first step in my overall problem.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 16:32
When I change "EPSG" to "epsg" the warning goes away, and there is then valid entry inr@crs@progargs
, but the added titles to the plots do not help me understand your problem. It's perfectly possible that my lack of experience with the specialized spatial data structures and terminology is the reason I still don't understand. If I were you, I would try posting the question in the spatial SIG mailing list. I would suggest further expanding your description of what you are trying to do. It still seems cryptic to me.
– 42-
Nov 10 at 17:46
@42-I added the point and line buffers, as well as library code. I could not figure out how to count the number of points/lines within 7 meters for the raster object, so excluded here.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 0:54
@42-I added the point and line buffers, as well as library code. I could not figure out how to count the number of points/lines within 7 meters for the raster object, so excluded here.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 0:54
Strange, I just ran this in a vanilla environment and no error. Running R 3.5.1 in Windows 7 pro. Sorry my variable name was confusing for you, but should run fine with copy/paste into an R script.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 1:19
Strange, I just ran this in a vanilla environment and no error. Running R 3.5.1 in Windows 7 pro. Sorry my variable name was confusing for you, but should run fine with copy/paste into an R script.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 1:19
Package access was fine. My R version (running in Linux) is also 3.5.1 and all of my packages were installed in the last week. raster ; dplyr ; rgdal ; sp ; sf : respectively: "2.8-4" "0.7.7" "1.3-6" "1.3-1" "0.7-1". I've looked at the output but I'm having trouble figuring out the actual problem. Perhaps if you plotted what you are seeing and made reference to to specific locations?
– 42-
Nov 10 at 1:35
Package access was fine. My R version (running in Linux) is also 3.5.1 and all of my packages were installed in the last week. raster ; dplyr ; rgdal ; sp ; sf : respectively: "2.8-4" "0.7.7" "1.3-6" "1.3-1" "0.7-1". I've looked at the output but I'm having trouble figuring out the actual problem. Perhaps if you plotted what you are seeing and made reference to to specific locations?
– 42-
Nov 10 at 1:35
@42-I tried to clarify the question; the answer to which will solve at least the first step in my overall problem.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 16:32
@42-I tried to clarify the question; the answer to which will solve at least the first step in my overall problem.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 16:32
When I change "EPSG" to "epsg" the warning goes away, and there is then valid entry in
, but the added titles to the plots do not help me understand your problem. It's perfectly possible that my lack of experience with the specialized spatial data structures and terminology is the reason I still don't understand. If I were you, I would try posting the question in the spatial SIG mailing list. I would suggest further expanding your description of what you are trying to do. It still seems cryptic to me.– 42-
Nov 10 at 17:46
When I change "EPSG" to "epsg" the warning goes away, and there is then valid entry in
, but the added titles to the plots do not help me understand your problem. It's perfectly possible that my lack of experience with the specialized spatial data structures and terminology is the reason I still don't understand. If I were you, I would try posting the question in the spatial SIG mailing list. I would suggest further expanding your description of what you are trying to do. It still seems cryptic to me.– 42-
Nov 10 at 17:46
show 3 more comments
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@42-I added the point and line buffers, as well as library code. I could not figure out how to count the number of points/lines within 7 meters for the raster object, so excluded here.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 0:54
Strange, I just ran this in a vanilla environment and no error. Running R 3.5.1 in Windows 7 pro. Sorry my variable name was confusing for you, but should run fine with copy/paste into an R script.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 1:19
Package access was fine. My R version (running in Linux) is also 3.5.1 and all of my packages were installed in the last week. raster ; dplyr ; rgdal ; sp ; sf : respectively: "2.8-4" "0.7.7" "1.3-6" "1.3-1" "0.7-1". I've looked at the output but I'm having trouble figuring out the actual problem. Perhaps if you plotted what you are seeing and made reference to to specific locations?
– 42-
Nov 10 at 1:35
@42-I tried to clarify the question; the answer to which will solve at least the first step in my overall problem.
– AMS Nomad
Nov 10 at 16:32
When I change "EPSG" to "epsg" the warning goes away, and there is then valid entry in
, but the added titles to the plots do not help me understand your problem. It's perfectly possible that my lack of experience with the specialized spatial data structures and terminology is the reason I still don't understand. If I were you, I would try posting the question in the spatial SIG mailing list. I would suggest further expanding your description of what you are trying to do. It still seems cryptic to me.– 42-
Nov 10 at 17:46