How can I calculate the sum of comma separated in the 2nd column

up vote
down vote


Group.1 x
1 1001 8
2 1002 16, 8
3 1003 8
4 1004 16
5 1005 5.33333333333333, 8
6 1006 4
7 1007 4
8 1008 4
9 1009 5.33333333333333
10 1010 8, 5.33333333333333
11 1011 8, 4
12 1012 5.33333333333333
13 1013 5.33333333333333, 8
14 1014 8
15 1015 5.33333333333333
16 1016 5.33333333333333

I want to get like this

Group.1 x
1 1001 8
2 1002 24
3 1003 8
4 1004 16
5 1005 13.3
6 1006 4
7 1007 4
8 1008 4
9 1009 5.33333333333333
10 1010 13.3
11 1011 12
12 1012 5.33333333333333
13 1013 13.3
14 1014 8
15 1015 5.33333333333333
16 1016 5.33333333333333

share|improve this question

    up vote
    down vote


    Group.1 x
    1 1001 8
    2 1002 16, 8
    3 1003 8
    4 1004 16
    5 1005 5.33333333333333, 8
    6 1006 4
    7 1007 4
    8 1008 4
    9 1009 5.33333333333333
    10 1010 8, 5.33333333333333
    11 1011 8, 4
    12 1012 5.33333333333333
    13 1013 5.33333333333333, 8
    14 1014 8
    15 1015 5.33333333333333
    16 1016 5.33333333333333

    I want to get like this

    Group.1 x
    1 1001 8
    2 1002 24
    3 1003 8
    4 1004 16
    5 1005 13.3
    6 1006 4
    7 1007 4
    8 1008 4
    9 1009 5.33333333333333
    10 1010 13.3
    11 1011 12
    12 1012 5.33333333333333
    13 1013 13.3
    14 1014 8
    15 1015 5.33333333333333
    16 1016 5.33333333333333

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      Group.1 x
      1 1001 8
      2 1002 16, 8
      3 1003 8
      4 1004 16
      5 1005 5.33333333333333, 8
      6 1006 4
      7 1007 4
      8 1008 4
      9 1009 5.33333333333333
      10 1010 8, 5.33333333333333
      11 1011 8, 4
      12 1012 5.33333333333333
      13 1013 5.33333333333333, 8
      14 1014 8
      15 1015 5.33333333333333
      16 1016 5.33333333333333

      I want to get like this

      Group.1 x
      1 1001 8
      2 1002 24
      3 1003 8
      4 1004 16
      5 1005 13.3
      6 1006 4
      7 1007 4
      8 1008 4
      9 1009 5.33333333333333
      10 1010 13.3
      11 1011 12
      12 1012 5.33333333333333
      13 1013 13.3
      14 1014 8
      15 1015 5.33333333333333
      16 1016 5.33333333333333

      share|improve this question

      Group.1 x
      1 1001 8
      2 1002 16, 8
      3 1003 8
      4 1004 16
      5 1005 5.33333333333333, 8
      6 1006 4
      7 1007 4
      8 1008 4
      9 1009 5.33333333333333
      10 1010 8, 5.33333333333333
      11 1011 8, 4
      12 1012 5.33333333333333
      13 1013 5.33333333333333, 8
      14 1014 8
      15 1015 5.33333333333333
      16 1016 5.33333333333333

      I want to get like this

      Group.1 x
      1 1001 8
      2 1002 24
      3 1003 8
      4 1004 16
      5 1005 13.3
      6 1006 4
      7 1007 4
      8 1008 4
      9 1009 5.33333333333333
      10 1010 13.3
      11 1011 12
      12 1012 5.33333333333333
      13 1013 13.3
      14 1014 8
      15 1015 5.33333333333333
      16 1016 5.33333333333333


      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 10 at 5:50

      Ronak Shah



      asked Nov 10 at 5:06

      Kiran Pg



          3 Answers




          up vote
          down vote


          Try this:

          sm_agg$x <- sapply(strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
          # Group.1 x
          # 1 1001 8.000000
          # 2 1002 24.000000
          # 3 1003 8.000000
          # 4 1004 16.000000
          # 5 1005 13.333333
          # 6 1006 4.000000
          # 7 1007 4.000000
          # 8 1008 4.000000
          # 9 1009 5.333333
          # 10 1010 13.333333
          # 11 1011 12.000000
          # 12 1012 5.333333
          # 13 1013 13.333333
          # 14 1014 8.000000
          # 15 1015 5.333333
          # 16 1016 5.333333


          1. For a single entry, we split it by one or more commas/spaces:

            strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")
            # [[1]]
            # [1] "16" "8"

          2. With that, we want to convert to numbers and add, so

            as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]])
            # [1] 16 8
            sum(as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]]))
            # [1] 24

          3. We want to do that for every element, so we instead feed the strsplit output into an sapply anon-function.

          If your frame has factors instead of strings, then instead use

          sapply(strsplit(as.character(sm_agg$x), "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))

          Last Edit

          I think your data is actually an embedded list. When data contains a list-column, it presents like that (which I find a little frustrating, but still ...).

          I'll generate some fake data to demonstrate what I think you actually have:

          sm2 <- data.frame(Group.1 = c("1001", "1002", "1003", "1005"))
          sm2$x <- list(c(8L), c(16L,8L), c(8L), c(16/3, 8))
          # Group.1 x
          # 1 1001 8
          # 2 1002 16, 8
          # 3 1003 8
          # 4 1005 5.333333, 8.000000

          Okay. When we tried strsplit and even as.character, things break and are obviously not number-like:

          # [1] "8" "c(16, 8)" "8"
          # [4] "c(5.33333333333333, 8)"

          When in fact, all we have to do is just sum them up, because they're already numbers.

          sapply(sm2$x, sum)
          # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333

          If by chance one of the nested things is actually a character:

          sm2$y <- list(c("8"), c(16L,8L), c(8L), c(16/3, 8))
          # Group.1 x y
          # 1 1001 8 8
          # 2 1002 16, 8 16, 8
          # 3 1003 8 8
          # 4 1005 5.333333, 8.000000 5.333333, 8.000000

          which will cause our "simple" solution to fail.

          sapply(sm2$y, sum)
          # Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : invalid 'type' (character) of argument

          Luckily, we can be a bit over-handed and force strings to numbers, and numbers to numbers:

          sapply(sm2$y, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
          # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333
          sapply(sm2$x, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
          # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333

          share|improve this answer

          • when i apply this i got error > as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]]) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+") : non-character argument > sm_agg$x <- sapply(strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+") : non-character argument >
            – Kiran Pg
            Nov 10 at 5:33

          • 1

            You have factors in your data. In the future, presenting your data in an unambiguous way such as dput(head(sm_agg)) would have prevented this. See my edit for the workaround.
            – r2evans
            Nov 10 at 5:38

          • >sapply(strsplit(as.character(sm_agg$x), "[,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) [1] 8.000000 NA 8.000000 16.000000 NA 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 5.333333 NA [11] NA 5.333333 NA 8.000000 5.333333 5.333333
            – Kiran Pg
            Nov 10 at 5:57

          • You forgot the space in the pattern. That space is not an accident or a "code style preference". If you want to be even clearer, replace "[ ,]+" (notice the space, total of five chars within the quotes) with "[\s,]+" (no space here, the \s includes spaces and tabs).
            – r2evans
            Nov 10 at 6:05

          • 1

            You can accept it by clicking on the check mark next to vote button.
            – Ronak Shah
            Nov 10 at 11:50

          up vote
          down vote

          We can use separate_rows to separate comma-separated enteries into different rows and then sum by group.

          df %>%
          separate_rows(x, sep = ",") %>%
          group_by(Group.1) %>%
          summarise(x = sum(as.numeric(x)))

          # Group.1 x
          # <dbl> <dbl>
          # 1 1001 8
          # 2 1002 24
          # 3 1003 8
          # 4 1004 16
          # 5 1005 13.3
          # 6 1006 4
          # 7 1007 4
          # 8 1008 4
          # 9 1009 5.33
          #10 1010 13.3
          #11 1011 12
          #12 1012 5.33
          #13 1013 13.3
          #14 1014 8
          #15 1015 5.33
          #16 1016 5.33


          df <- structure(list(Group.1 = c(1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 
          1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016),
          x = structure(c(5L, 7L, 5L, 6L, 10L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 9L, 11L,
          4L, 8L, 10L, 3L, 8L, 8L), .Label = c(" 4",
          " 4", " 8", " 8, 4",
          " 8", " 16", " 16, 8", " 5.33333333333333",
          " 5.33333333333333", " 5.33333333333333, 8", " 8, 5.33333333333333"
          ), class = "factor")), .Names = c("Group.1", "x"), class =
          "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

          share|improve this answer

            up vote
            down vote

            using this method i get asnwer sapply(sm2$y, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))

            share|improve this answer

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              3 Answers




              3 Answers










              up vote
              down vote


              Try this:

              sm_agg$x <- sapply(strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
              # Group.1 x
              # 1 1001 8.000000
              # 2 1002 24.000000
              # 3 1003 8.000000
              # 4 1004 16.000000
              # 5 1005 13.333333
              # 6 1006 4.000000
              # 7 1007 4.000000
              # 8 1008 4.000000
              # 9 1009 5.333333
              # 10 1010 13.333333
              # 11 1011 12.000000
              # 12 1012 5.333333
              # 13 1013 13.333333
              # 14 1014 8.000000
              # 15 1015 5.333333
              # 16 1016 5.333333


              1. For a single entry, we split it by one or more commas/spaces:

                strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")
                # [[1]]
                # [1] "16" "8"

              2. With that, we want to convert to numbers and add, so

                as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]])
                # [1] 16 8
                sum(as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]]))
                # [1] 24

              3. We want to do that for every element, so we instead feed the strsplit output into an sapply anon-function.

              If your frame has factors instead of strings, then instead use

              sapply(strsplit(as.character(sm_agg$x), "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))

              Last Edit

              I think your data is actually an embedded list. When data contains a list-column, it presents like that (which I find a little frustrating, but still ...).

              I'll generate some fake data to demonstrate what I think you actually have:

              sm2 <- data.frame(Group.1 = c("1001", "1002", "1003", "1005"))
              sm2$x <- list(c(8L), c(16L,8L), c(8L), c(16/3, 8))
              # Group.1 x
              # 1 1001 8
              # 2 1002 16, 8
              # 3 1003 8
              # 4 1005 5.333333, 8.000000

              Okay. When we tried strsplit and even as.character, things break and are obviously not number-like:

              # [1] "8" "c(16, 8)" "8"
              # [4] "c(5.33333333333333, 8)"

              When in fact, all we have to do is just sum them up, because they're already numbers.

              sapply(sm2$x, sum)
              # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333

              If by chance one of the nested things is actually a character:

              sm2$y <- list(c("8"), c(16L,8L), c(8L), c(16/3, 8))
              # Group.1 x y
              # 1 1001 8 8
              # 2 1002 16, 8 16, 8
              # 3 1003 8 8
              # 4 1005 5.333333, 8.000000 5.333333, 8.000000

              which will cause our "simple" solution to fail.

              sapply(sm2$y, sum)
              # Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : invalid 'type' (character) of argument

              Luckily, we can be a bit over-handed and force strings to numbers, and numbers to numbers:

              sapply(sm2$y, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
              # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333
              sapply(sm2$x, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
              # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333

              share|improve this answer

              • when i apply this i got error > as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]]) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+") : non-character argument > sm_agg$x <- sapply(strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+") : non-character argument >
                – Kiran Pg
                Nov 10 at 5:33

              • 1

                You have factors in your data. In the future, presenting your data in an unambiguous way such as dput(head(sm_agg)) would have prevented this. See my edit for the workaround.
                – r2evans
                Nov 10 at 5:38

              • >sapply(strsplit(as.character(sm_agg$x), "[,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) [1] 8.000000 NA 8.000000 16.000000 NA 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 5.333333 NA [11] NA 5.333333 NA 8.000000 5.333333 5.333333
                – Kiran Pg
                Nov 10 at 5:57

              • You forgot the space in the pattern. That space is not an accident or a "code style preference". If you want to be even clearer, replace "[ ,]+" (notice the space, total of five chars within the quotes) with "[\s,]+" (no space here, the \s includes spaces and tabs).
                – r2evans
                Nov 10 at 6:05

              • 1

                You can accept it by clicking on the check mark next to vote button.
                – Ronak Shah
                Nov 10 at 11:50

              up vote
              down vote


              Try this:

              sm_agg$x <- sapply(strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
              # Group.1 x
              # 1 1001 8.000000
              # 2 1002 24.000000
              # 3 1003 8.000000
              # 4 1004 16.000000
              # 5 1005 13.333333
              # 6 1006 4.000000
              # 7 1007 4.000000
              # 8 1008 4.000000
              # 9 1009 5.333333
              # 10 1010 13.333333
              # 11 1011 12.000000
              # 12 1012 5.333333
              # 13 1013 13.333333
              # 14 1014 8.000000
              # 15 1015 5.333333
              # 16 1016 5.333333


              1. For a single entry, we split it by one or more commas/spaces:

                strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")
                # [[1]]
                # [1] "16" "8"

              2. With that, we want to convert to numbers and add, so

                as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]])
                # [1] 16 8
                sum(as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]]))
                # [1] 24

              3. We want to do that for every element, so we instead feed the strsplit output into an sapply anon-function.

              If your frame has factors instead of strings, then instead use

              sapply(strsplit(as.character(sm_agg$x), "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))

              Last Edit

              I think your data is actually an embedded list. When data contains a list-column, it presents like that (which I find a little frustrating, but still ...).

              I'll generate some fake data to demonstrate what I think you actually have:

              sm2 <- data.frame(Group.1 = c("1001", "1002", "1003", "1005"))
              sm2$x <- list(c(8L), c(16L,8L), c(8L), c(16/3, 8))
              # Group.1 x
              # 1 1001 8
              # 2 1002 16, 8
              # 3 1003 8
              # 4 1005 5.333333, 8.000000

              Okay. When we tried strsplit and even as.character, things break and are obviously not number-like:

              # [1] "8" "c(16, 8)" "8"
              # [4] "c(5.33333333333333, 8)"

              When in fact, all we have to do is just sum them up, because they're already numbers.

              sapply(sm2$x, sum)
              # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333

              If by chance one of the nested things is actually a character:

              sm2$y <- list(c("8"), c(16L,8L), c(8L), c(16/3, 8))
              # Group.1 x y
              # 1 1001 8 8
              # 2 1002 16, 8 16, 8
              # 3 1003 8 8
              # 4 1005 5.333333, 8.000000 5.333333, 8.000000

              which will cause our "simple" solution to fail.

              sapply(sm2$y, sum)
              # Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : invalid 'type' (character) of argument

              Luckily, we can be a bit over-handed and force strings to numbers, and numbers to numbers:

              sapply(sm2$y, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
              # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333
              sapply(sm2$x, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
              # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333

              share|improve this answer

              • when i apply this i got error > as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]]) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+") : non-character argument > sm_agg$x <- sapply(strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+") : non-character argument >
                – Kiran Pg
                Nov 10 at 5:33

              • 1

                You have factors in your data. In the future, presenting your data in an unambiguous way such as dput(head(sm_agg)) would have prevented this. See my edit for the workaround.
                – r2evans
                Nov 10 at 5:38

              • >sapply(strsplit(as.character(sm_agg$x), "[,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) [1] 8.000000 NA 8.000000 16.000000 NA 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 5.333333 NA [11] NA 5.333333 NA 8.000000 5.333333 5.333333
                – Kiran Pg
                Nov 10 at 5:57

              • You forgot the space in the pattern. That space is not an accident or a "code style preference". If you want to be even clearer, replace "[ ,]+" (notice the space, total of five chars within the quotes) with "[\s,]+" (no space here, the \s includes spaces and tabs).
                – r2evans
                Nov 10 at 6:05

              • 1

                You can accept it by clicking on the check mark next to vote button.
                – Ronak Shah
                Nov 10 at 11:50

              up vote
              down vote


              up vote
              down vote


              Try this:

              sm_agg$x <- sapply(strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
              # Group.1 x
              # 1 1001 8.000000
              # 2 1002 24.000000
              # 3 1003 8.000000
              # 4 1004 16.000000
              # 5 1005 13.333333
              # 6 1006 4.000000
              # 7 1007 4.000000
              # 8 1008 4.000000
              # 9 1009 5.333333
              # 10 1010 13.333333
              # 11 1011 12.000000
              # 12 1012 5.333333
              # 13 1013 13.333333
              # 14 1014 8.000000
              # 15 1015 5.333333
              # 16 1016 5.333333


              1. For a single entry, we split it by one or more commas/spaces:

                strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")
                # [[1]]
                # [1] "16" "8"

              2. With that, we want to convert to numbers and add, so

                as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]])
                # [1] 16 8
                sum(as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]]))
                # [1] 24

              3. We want to do that for every element, so we instead feed the strsplit output into an sapply anon-function.

              If your frame has factors instead of strings, then instead use

              sapply(strsplit(as.character(sm_agg$x), "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))

              Last Edit

              I think your data is actually an embedded list. When data contains a list-column, it presents like that (which I find a little frustrating, but still ...).

              I'll generate some fake data to demonstrate what I think you actually have:

              sm2 <- data.frame(Group.1 = c("1001", "1002", "1003", "1005"))
              sm2$x <- list(c(8L), c(16L,8L), c(8L), c(16/3, 8))
              # Group.1 x
              # 1 1001 8
              # 2 1002 16, 8
              # 3 1003 8
              # 4 1005 5.333333, 8.000000

              Okay. When we tried strsplit and even as.character, things break and are obviously not number-like:

              # [1] "8" "c(16, 8)" "8"
              # [4] "c(5.33333333333333, 8)"

              When in fact, all we have to do is just sum them up, because they're already numbers.

              sapply(sm2$x, sum)
              # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333

              If by chance one of the nested things is actually a character:

              sm2$y <- list(c("8"), c(16L,8L), c(8L), c(16/3, 8))
              # Group.1 x y
              # 1 1001 8 8
              # 2 1002 16, 8 16, 8
              # 3 1003 8 8
              # 4 1005 5.333333, 8.000000 5.333333, 8.000000

              which will cause our "simple" solution to fail.

              sapply(sm2$y, sum)
              # Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : invalid 'type' (character) of argument

              Luckily, we can be a bit over-handed and force strings to numbers, and numbers to numbers:

              sapply(sm2$y, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
              # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333
              sapply(sm2$x, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
              # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333

              share|improve this answer

              Try this:

              sm_agg$x <- sapply(strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
              # Group.1 x
              # 1 1001 8.000000
              # 2 1002 24.000000
              # 3 1003 8.000000
              # 4 1004 16.000000
              # 5 1005 13.333333
              # 6 1006 4.000000
              # 7 1007 4.000000
              # 8 1008 4.000000
              # 9 1009 5.333333
              # 10 1010 13.333333
              # 11 1011 12.000000
              # 12 1012 5.333333
              # 13 1013 13.333333
              # 14 1014 8.000000
              # 15 1015 5.333333
              # 16 1016 5.333333


              1. For a single entry, we split it by one or more commas/spaces:

                strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")
                # [[1]]
                # [1] "16" "8"

              2. With that, we want to convert to numbers and add, so

                as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]])
                # [1] 16 8
                sum(as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]]))
                # [1] 24

              3. We want to do that for every element, so we instead feed the strsplit output into an sapply anon-function.

              If your frame has factors instead of strings, then instead use

              sapply(strsplit(as.character(sm_agg$x), "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))

              Last Edit

              I think your data is actually an embedded list. When data contains a list-column, it presents like that (which I find a little frustrating, but still ...).

              I'll generate some fake data to demonstrate what I think you actually have:

              sm2 <- data.frame(Group.1 = c("1001", "1002", "1003", "1005"))
              sm2$x <- list(c(8L), c(16L,8L), c(8L), c(16/3, 8))
              # Group.1 x
              # 1 1001 8
              # 2 1002 16, 8
              # 3 1003 8
              # 4 1005 5.333333, 8.000000

              Okay. When we tried strsplit and even as.character, things break and are obviously not number-like:

              # [1] "8" "c(16, 8)" "8"
              # [4] "c(5.33333333333333, 8)"

              When in fact, all we have to do is just sum them up, because they're already numbers.

              sapply(sm2$x, sum)
              # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333

              If by chance one of the nested things is actually a character:

              sm2$y <- list(c("8"), c(16L,8L), c(8L), c(16/3, 8))
              # Group.1 x y
              # 1 1001 8 8
              # 2 1002 16, 8 16, 8
              # 3 1003 8 8
              # 4 1005 5.333333, 8.000000 5.333333, 8.000000

              which will cause our "simple" solution to fail.

              sapply(sm2$y, sum)
              # Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : invalid 'type' (character) of argument

              Luckily, we can be a bit over-handed and force strings to numbers, and numbers to numbers:

              sapply(sm2$y, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
              # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333
              sapply(sm2$x, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))
              # [1] 8.00000 24.00000 8.00000 13.33333

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Nov 10 at 6:36

              answered Nov 10 at 5:13




              • when i apply this i got error > as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]]) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+") : non-character argument > sm_agg$x <- sapply(strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+") : non-character argument >
                – Kiran Pg
                Nov 10 at 5:33

              • 1

                You have factors in your data. In the future, presenting your data in an unambiguous way such as dput(head(sm_agg)) would have prevented this. See my edit for the workaround.
                – r2evans
                Nov 10 at 5:38

              • >sapply(strsplit(as.character(sm_agg$x), "[,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) [1] 8.000000 NA 8.000000 16.000000 NA 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 5.333333 NA [11] NA 5.333333 NA 8.000000 5.333333 5.333333
                – Kiran Pg
                Nov 10 at 5:57

              • You forgot the space in the pattern. That space is not an accident or a "code style preference". If you want to be even clearer, replace "[ ,]+" (notice the space, total of five chars within the quotes) with "[\s,]+" (no space here, the \s includes spaces and tabs).
                – r2evans
                Nov 10 at 6:05

              • 1

                You can accept it by clicking on the check mark next to vote button.
                – Ronak Shah
                Nov 10 at 11:50

              • when i apply this i got error > as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]]) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+") : non-character argument > sm_agg$x <- sapply(strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+") : non-character argument >
                – Kiran Pg
                Nov 10 at 5:33

              • 1

                You have factors in your data. In the future, presenting your data in an unambiguous way such as dput(head(sm_agg)) would have prevented this. See my edit for the workaround.
                – r2evans
                Nov 10 at 5:38

              • >sapply(strsplit(as.character(sm_agg$x), "[,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) [1] 8.000000 NA 8.000000 16.000000 NA 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 5.333333 NA [11] NA 5.333333 NA 8.000000 5.333333 5.333333
                – Kiran Pg
                Nov 10 at 5:57

              • You forgot the space in the pattern. That space is not an accident or a "code style preference". If you want to be even clearer, replace "[ ,]+" (notice the space, total of five chars within the quotes) with "[\s,]+" (no space here, the \s includes spaces and tabs).
                – r2evans
                Nov 10 at 6:05

              • 1

                You can accept it by clicking on the check mark next to vote button.
                – Ronak Shah
                Nov 10 at 11:50

              when i apply this i got error > as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]]) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+") : non-character argument > sm_agg$x <- sapply(strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+") : non-character argument >
              – Kiran Pg
              Nov 10 at 5:33

              when i apply this i got error > as.numeric(strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+")[[1]]) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x[2], "[, ]+") : non-character argument > sm_agg$x <- sapply(strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) Error in strsplit(sm_agg$x, "[ ,]+") : non-character argument >
              – Kiran Pg
              Nov 10 at 5:33



              You have factors in your data. In the future, presenting your data in an unambiguous way such as dput(head(sm_agg)) would have prevented this. See my edit for the workaround.
              – r2evans
              Nov 10 at 5:38

              You have factors in your data. In the future, presenting your data in an unambiguous way such as dput(head(sm_agg)) would have prevented this. See my edit for the workaround.
              – r2evans
              Nov 10 at 5:38

              >sapply(strsplit(as.character(sm_agg$x), "[,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) [1] 8.000000 NA 8.000000 16.000000 NA 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 5.333333 NA [11] NA 5.333333 NA 8.000000 5.333333 5.333333
              – Kiran Pg
              Nov 10 at 5:57

              >sapply(strsplit(as.character(sm_agg$x), "[,]+"), function(i) sum(as.numeric(i))) [1] 8.000000 NA 8.000000 16.000000 NA 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 5.333333 NA [11] NA 5.333333 NA 8.000000 5.333333 5.333333
              – Kiran Pg
              Nov 10 at 5:57

              You forgot the space in the pattern. That space is not an accident or a "code style preference". If you want to be even clearer, replace "[ ,]+" (notice the space, total of five chars within the quotes) with "[\s,]+" (no space here, the \s includes spaces and tabs).
              – r2evans
              Nov 10 at 6:05

              You forgot the space in the pattern. That space is not an accident or a "code style preference". If you want to be even clearer, replace "[ ,]+" (notice the space, total of five chars within the quotes) with "[\s,]+" (no space here, the \s includes spaces and tabs).
              – r2evans
              Nov 10 at 6:05



              You can accept it by clicking on the check mark next to vote button.
              – Ronak Shah
              Nov 10 at 11:50

              You can accept it by clicking on the check mark next to vote button.
              – Ronak Shah
              Nov 10 at 11:50

              up vote
              down vote

              We can use separate_rows to separate comma-separated enteries into different rows and then sum by group.

              df %>%
              separate_rows(x, sep = ",") %>%
              group_by(Group.1) %>%
              summarise(x = sum(as.numeric(x)))

              # Group.1 x
              # <dbl> <dbl>
              # 1 1001 8
              # 2 1002 24
              # 3 1003 8
              # 4 1004 16
              # 5 1005 13.3
              # 6 1006 4
              # 7 1007 4
              # 8 1008 4
              # 9 1009 5.33
              #10 1010 13.3
              #11 1011 12
              #12 1012 5.33
              #13 1013 13.3
              #14 1014 8
              #15 1015 5.33
              #16 1016 5.33


              df <- structure(list(Group.1 = c(1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 
              1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016),
              x = structure(c(5L, 7L, 5L, 6L, 10L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 9L, 11L,
              4L, 8L, 10L, 3L, 8L, 8L), .Label = c(" 4",
              " 4", " 8", " 8, 4",
              " 8", " 16", " 16, 8", " 5.33333333333333",
              " 5.33333333333333", " 5.33333333333333, 8", " 8, 5.33333333333333"
              ), class = "factor")), .Names = c("Group.1", "x"), class =
              "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                We can use separate_rows to separate comma-separated enteries into different rows and then sum by group.

                df %>%
                separate_rows(x, sep = ",") %>%
                group_by(Group.1) %>%
                summarise(x = sum(as.numeric(x)))

                # Group.1 x
                # <dbl> <dbl>
                # 1 1001 8
                # 2 1002 24
                # 3 1003 8
                # 4 1004 16
                # 5 1005 13.3
                # 6 1006 4
                # 7 1007 4
                # 8 1008 4
                # 9 1009 5.33
                #10 1010 13.3
                #11 1011 12
                #12 1012 5.33
                #13 1013 13.3
                #14 1014 8
                #15 1015 5.33
                #16 1016 5.33


                df <- structure(list(Group.1 = c(1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 
                1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016),
                x = structure(c(5L, 7L, 5L, 6L, 10L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 9L, 11L,
                4L, 8L, 10L, 3L, 8L, 8L), .Label = c(" 4",
                " 4", " 8", " 8, 4",
                " 8", " 16", " 16, 8", " 5.33333333333333",
                " 5.33333333333333", " 5.33333333333333, 8", " 8, 5.33333333333333"
                ), class = "factor")), .Names = c("Group.1", "x"), class =
                "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

                share|improve this answer

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  up vote
                  down vote

                  We can use separate_rows to separate comma-separated enteries into different rows and then sum by group.

                  df %>%
                  separate_rows(x, sep = ",") %>%
                  group_by(Group.1) %>%
                  summarise(x = sum(as.numeric(x)))

                  # Group.1 x
                  # <dbl> <dbl>
                  # 1 1001 8
                  # 2 1002 24
                  # 3 1003 8
                  # 4 1004 16
                  # 5 1005 13.3
                  # 6 1006 4
                  # 7 1007 4
                  # 8 1008 4
                  # 9 1009 5.33
                  #10 1010 13.3
                  #11 1011 12
                  #12 1012 5.33
                  #13 1013 13.3
                  #14 1014 8
                  #15 1015 5.33
                  #16 1016 5.33


                  df <- structure(list(Group.1 = c(1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 
                  1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016),
                  x = structure(c(5L, 7L, 5L, 6L, 10L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 9L, 11L,
                  4L, 8L, 10L, 3L, 8L, 8L), .Label = c(" 4",
                  " 4", " 8", " 8, 4",
                  " 8", " 16", " 16, 8", " 5.33333333333333",
                  " 5.33333333333333", " 5.33333333333333, 8", " 8, 5.33333333333333"
                  ), class = "factor")), .Names = c("Group.1", "x"), class =
                  "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

                  share|improve this answer

                  We can use separate_rows to separate comma-separated enteries into different rows and then sum by group.

                  df %>%
                  separate_rows(x, sep = ",") %>%
                  group_by(Group.1) %>%
                  summarise(x = sum(as.numeric(x)))

                  # Group.1 x
                  # <dbl> <dbl>
                  # 1 1001 8
                  # 2 1002 24
                  # 3 1003 8
                  # 4 1004 16
                  # 5 1005 13.3
                  # 6 1006 4
                  # 7 1007 4
                  # 8 1008 4
                  # 9 1009 5.33
                  #10 1010 13.3
                  #11 1011 12
                  #12 1012 5.33
                  #13 1013 13.3
                  #14 1014 8
                  #15 1015 5.33
                  #16 1016 5.33


                  df <- structure(list(Group.1 = c(1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 
                  1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016),
                  x = structure(c(5L, 7L, 5L, 6L, 10L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 9L, 11L,
                  4L, 8L, 10L, 3L, 8L, 8L), .Label = c(" 4",
                  " 4", " 8", " 8, 4",
                  " 8", " 16", " 16, 8", " 5.33333333333333",
                  " 5.33333333333333", " 5.33333333333333, 8", " 8, 5.33333333333333"
                  ), class = "factor")), .Names = c("Group.1", "x"), class =
                  "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered Nov 10 at 5:46

                  Ronak Shah



                      up vote
                      down vote

                      using this method i get asnwer sapply(sm2$y, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))

                      share|improve this answer

                        up vote
                        down vote

                        using this method i get asnwer sapply(sm2$y, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))

                        share|improve this answer

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          up vote
                          down vote

                          using this method i get asnwer sapply(sm2$y, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))

                          share|improve this answer

                          using this method i get asnwer sapply(sm2$y, function(i) sum(as.numeric(i)))

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          edited Nov 10 at 10:32

                          answered Nov 10 at 10:04

                          Kiran Pg



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